Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Is a Diet Detox Right For You?

Is a Diet Detox Right For You?

CravingOne of the most talked about concepts in the diet world right now is the process of detoxing your body from certain foods. There is a lot of hype surrounding this technique, so let's take a hard look at it to help you determine whether or not it's right for you. Like any diet, there are some that simply aren't suited for your personality, and there are those that are the perfect fit. Let's see what detoxing really stacks up to.
First and foremost, the detox process is not an easy one. Some foods are very addicting and can be very much like a drug. You'll also need to look at why you eat these "danger" foods. This will help you detox not only your body, but your mind as well. If you're not addressing both problems, you're doomed to fail. It's just like battling a drug addiction. First, you have to acknowledge the problem, then you have to take the steps to overcome it.
If you're not ready to take that step, then a diet detox most likely won't work. You need to have your head in the right place so that you will be able to get through the first few days. It ‘s not easy to completely cut out your favorite foods from your life, especially if you've become dependent on them. If you're not mentally ready, it will be all too easy to throw in the towel.
There are some cases where a diet detox can actually be harmful, or at the very least, very painful. If you eat a lot of sugar every day, your body is used to these levels. Suddenly remove all of that sugar and your system is going to go into meltdown. Your blood sugar levels will drop, you'll feel cranky and you may even experience symptoms of hypoglycemia, or blood sugar that is too low. The same is true if you're trying to detox from soda or even ice cream.
The whole point of a diet detox is to break the cycle of cravings. It is definitely not an easy way, but it can be effective. The best bet is to start with a secondary "danger" food. This gives you a chance to get a taste of success and will prepare you for handling the bigger craving. For example, if you are addicted to potato chips as well as ice cream, start with the potato chips. They're a lot easier to give up and you'll gain some confidence once you kick the habit. You can then move onto ice cream with a better outlook.
If you don't have a lot of willpower, or you are not someone that does well on a deprivation diet, then a diet detox is probably not the answer. It can be very effective, but only if you want it to be. If cold turkey quitting is a problem for you, there are other methods of losing weight that are just as effective.

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