Friday, December 21, 2012

Don’t “Weight” To Make Diet a New Year’s Resolution

Don’t “Weight” To Make Diet a New Year’s Resolution
3, 2, 1…Happy New Year… or is it?  With the coming of the New Year we always write down all the things we want to do in the year to come; how we are going to take better care of ourselves.  One of the biggest New Year’s resolutions is weight loss, and why is that?  If we are so aware of how bad we want to lose weight and get healthy then why are we taking the steps to get there only one time a year?
The best answer or better yet excuse is probably lack of time.  I hear day in and day out how people are way too busy to workout or make a healthy meal.  So let’s break this down and find out about time and hopefully you will see things a little differently.
Being overweight has so many adverse effects to your life.  It leads to hypertension, coronary disease, diabetes, strokes and the list goes on and on.  I am not sure about you but the last time I checked the definition of the word “disease” it did not usually correlate with gaining time.  In fact being overweight actually lessons your life expectancy by at least 6-7 years.  Think about this, many of us have little ones that are 6 or 7 years old.  Stop to think about all the moments and memories those little ones have had in 6 or 7 years.  Could you imagine not being there for that? 
One of the top reasons that are often said for being overweight is I hate to exercise.  Why exactly do you hate getting your heart rate up, feeling your lungs gain oxygen capacity, gaining energy and adding about 4 years to your life expectancy?  Once again we find that “time” is linked to this, but it is actually adding more time to your life.  Find a friend and go for a walk, join a gym or the local YMCA, or get outside and enjoy the fresh air with the family. 
The glue that holds success to weight loss is proper nutrition.  No I’m not talking about starving yourself; I am talking about eating a lot of what nature has given us.  Amp up your fruits and veggies and stick to lean meats.  Eating often is the key but eating the right things often is what will make or break you.
When you break it all down it really doesn’t take any more time to lose weight it just takes changing your choices.  Make the right decisions all year and you can be the one running out reasons to make New Year’s resolutions.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pay Attention To Pain & Soreness

Pay Attention To Pain & Soreness 

When any workout or specific exercise causes you pain, pay attention. Knowing how to react can help you avoid a serious injury. Strength training can cause several types of pain including:
Muscle Soreness
When you use muscles you have not used for a while or try a new exercise or training technique, it is normal to feel a dull ache of soreness in the muscles that were trained. This pain is caused by microscopic tears in the fibers of the connective tissues in your body--the ligaments that connect bones to other bones, and the tendons that connect muscles to bones.
This microtrauma may sound harmful but is in fact the natural response of your muscles when they experience work. This is the primary reason it is so important that you get enough rest between specific muscle workouts. Each time you work out with weights, you cause this "damage"--these tiny tears in your muscles; they need ample resting time to rebuild and become even stronger, bigger, and more firm.
Pain During or Just After a Workout
During a workout, repeated contractions cause lactic and other acids, as well as proteins and hormones, to build up in muscle tissue. This can cause pain even without injury. But if you experience a sharp, continuous pain, or pain accompanied by a burning sensation, stop lifting and get it checked.
These happen when muscles, often in the calves or feet, knot up in intense contractions. Cramps occur most commonly in endurance sports like cycling and running, where the athlete loses a lot of fluids through sweating. This is why it's very important to stay well-hydrated during exercise. If you do get cramps, the best way to stop them is to gently stretch the cramped muscle.
When working out with weights you need to be in full control of both the weights and your own body as it lifts and uses the weights. Careless weightlifting can result in injury. Not warming up, attempting to lift too heavy a weight, using momentum or jerky movements, letting the weights drop, not using correct form, or forgetting to stretch or cool-down after your workout can indeed result in injury.
The following injuries can occur as a result of carelessness:
1.Tendonitis: This is inflammation of the tendon and can occur if you begin your first set with too heavy a weight and/or are not properly warmed-up. Rest is the best treatment for this painful injury.
2.Fascia injuries: Can occur if you suddenly jerk or pull the weight. Fascia is basically the packaging tissue of muscle. When fascia is torn, it becomes inflamed and the pain is severe. The injury should be treated with cold packs and wrapped with an ace bandage.
3.Ligament injuries: Can occur when people use momentum and jerk the weight to accomplish a lift. This injury is treated by using cold packs and rest.
4.Sprains or muscle tears: Are uncommon if you warm-up, stretch, and cool-down properly and implement the safety precautions and principles we teach.
Any time you do have inflammation or swelling, use the R.I.C.E method of reducing damage and speeding healing. For injuries, R.I.C.E. is nice.
1.Rest: When you are hurt, stop your workout immediately and take weight off the affected area.
2.Ice: Wrap ice in a towel and hold it against the injury for 10 to 20 minutes, three or four times a day until the acute injury diminishes.
3.Compress: Wrap the injured area in a snug, but not tight, elastic bandage.
4.Elevate: Raise the injured limb and rest it on a pillow to reduce swelling.
Strength training provides many important benefits that cannot be achieved by any other exercise or activity. However, when enjoying this great form of exercise, be sure to pay attention to pain and soreness so that your program is not only effective, but safe as well. Good luck: I hope you enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a safe and effective strength training program.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Staying Motivated

Staying Motivated


           When I am interviewing prospective clients about beginning an exercise program, they often refer to negative thoughts and behaviors that prevent them from succeeding in attaining their fitness goals. Phrases such as ‘I wish”, “I used to” or “I hope” actually undermine a person’s efforts to adhere to and succeed in following a nutrition/exercise regimen. Saying “I will” is a much stronger motivator.
           To succeed long term, motivation must be based on a true desire to change behaviors as they pertain to diet and exercise. One effective method is to picture the pursuit of fitness and health as a marathon, not a sprint. Results don’t always appear as quickly as one wants and the knowledge that the pursuit itself is worthwhile is important in keeping motivation levels strong.  A 2 or 3 pound weight loss can easily lead to a 10+ pound weight loss because you build confidence.
        Telling friends and family members about your fitness program and goals is also effective in reinforcing motivation. When people who care about you are aware of your goals and efforts, they can help bolster your willpower when a weak moment of lapse in momentum occurs.
            Below are some of the benefits and advantages of pursuing and maintaining a healthier lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a sound nutritional plan.
  1. Improved blood pressure/cholesterol levels
  2. Increased strength and muscle tone
  3. Increased bone density
  4. Better posture and body mechanics
  5. Improvements in mood/outlook
  6. Improvements in flexibility
Hopefully, the above listed benefits will help you maintain your motivation levels as you pursue your fitness goals. Good luck and good health.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

4 Ways to Jump Off Body Fat

4 Ways to Jump Off Body Fat
Jump more when you exercise and you'll jump off more body fat---guaranteed!

Have you been doing the same workout for 2 months, 6 months, 1 year or 3 years? If you're doing the same basic workout you've always done, you're probably not making much progress with fat loss or weight loss. If you're bored and frustrated, you can do something about your stalled progress.

One of the best ways to "wake up and start changing your body's composition" is to add intensity to your workouts with jumps. Sixty minute cardio sessions won't lean out your body but they will waste away your muscles (and your muscle tone).

Get more work done in less time by speeding up your workouts....

Exercising at a fast or explosive pace (like jumping or sprinting) has been proven to shape and sculpt your body better because these types of exercises activate your bulkier, shapely fast twitch muscle fibers (think butt, hips, thighs, etc.).

Jump off your body fat. Here are 4 workout tips:

1. Jump rope for at least 10 minutes every day (if your knees and back allow). A 10 minute jump rope warm-up before your workout always gets the job done.

2. Do at least one workout a week that includes mainly jumping exercises. Squat jumps, tuck jumps, cone jumps, jumping jacks, jump rope and pike jumps are some examples. Full speed jumps will give you more fat loss and weight loss.

3. Include at least one jumping exercise in your regular workout routine.

4. A 20-minute interval jump rope session is one of the best fat-burners and body-sculptors available. Try it for cardio at least once a week. This is how it would work:

--Jump rope full speed, 1 minute
--Walk, 1 minute
--Do this rotation for 20 minutes

Friday, August 17, 2012

Naked Yoga..... Would You?

Naked Yoga..... Would You?

...and no, I don't mean in the privacy of your own living room, although I'm sure even that would inspire you to really get deeply and intimately in touch with yourself! I am talking about going to an actual public naked yoga class!

Naked yoga classes are a trend on the rise prompting many to shed their inhibitions (as well as their clothing), step into one of these bare bones yoga classes totally unabashed and just leave it all on the mat. Literally! ;)
Actresses like Halle Berry and Jennifer Lopez are said to have been participants of this hot yoga trend (yeah, I bet you guys would have no problem attending THAT class!). However, I'm willing to bet that the naked yoga classes attended by most celebs are extremely private. Especially in this day and age of Youtube and Twitpics. But then again, where would you hide a camera? ;)

Those who partake say that they experience a freedom that they have never before experienced in an exercise class, as well as a unique connection with the inner self and a total unleashing of their deepest inhibitions. According to one participant who did a public naked yoga class "once you got over the initial shock of being naked in a room full of other naked people and just began to focus on the poses and the flow, it just felt so complete and natural.  I can truly say that after doing naked yoga, I have no fear whatsoever of doing anything". Well! That seals it! I will have to go and check this out!   From a distance. With binoculars! ;)

So, how about it? Would you have the nerve to participate in a naked yoga class? By the way, I don't know if they are gender specific or unisex, although I'm sure there are "women only" classes for sure.  There would have to be, seriously!  Otherwise, there would just be a bunch of guys getting into yoga for all the wrong reasons!

As for yourself, do you see how naked yoga could really be beneficial to those who take it, or does it seem like yet another useless trend? Do tell!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jungle Gym XT vs. TRX a Guided Comparison


Jungle Gym XT vs. TRX a Guided Comparison

Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer and the TRX Suspension Trainer are two unique systems designed to develop muscle strength and flexibility. Suspension training has been shown to be an effective tool to build muscle mass and core strength and help build joint stability.
Allowing for exercises that engage the body’s resistance, suspension trainers utilize straps that attach to a pole or doorway. Comparison of the Jungle Gym XT vs. TRX suspension trainer demonstrate each product’s unique benefits.
Similarities between the Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer vs. the TRX Suspension Trainer
Both suspension systems utilize straps that allow for exercises with the person’s own weight. They both provide straps with attached handles. They are both packaged with instructional DVDs. They both provide hooks to attach to doors or other anchor points.
TRX was the first suspension training system developed and continues to dominate even as lower priced substitutes enter the market.
Specs of Jungle Gym XT vs. TRX Suspension Trainer
The Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer provides ergonomic handles as well as foot cradles. The handles are made from an easy-to-clean material. The TRX Suspension Trainer attaches to any anchor point with the straps at eight feet long and holds up to 1,000 pounds. The straps on the Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer are eight feet long and hold up to 1,500 pounds.
The Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer is made with inline carbon fiber buckles for adjusting the ropes and designed to change between a V-shaped, or a neutral, (Olympic preferred) suspension, or a wide-angle suspension.
Price of Jungle Gym XT vs. TRX Suspension Trainer
The price of the TRX suspension trainer is $189.95, while the Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer is priced at $99.99.
Extras included in Jungle Gym XT vs. TRX Suspension Trainer
The Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer comes with two non-scuff door anchors, whereas the TRX Suspension Trainer offers a door anchor for sale for an additional $24.95. The Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer is packaged with two carbon fiber cam buckles and two strap end adjusters. Additional strap extenders can be purchased for this unit for $29,99, which add another eight feet of straps. Their instructional package included a 90-minute DVD and a brochure illustrating the various exercises. The TRX Suspension Trainer, packaged in a two pound package made of recycled post-consumer materials, provides a 65-minute DVD with a 35-page workout booklet and two additional workouts, called TRX Endurance Circuit and TRX Metabolic Blast.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why Trx fitness is beneficial for women?

Why Trx fitness is beneficial for women?

Maintain health and fitness is not only compulsory for men. It is as much important for women as for men and in some cases it seems to be more important for women either they are housewives, employees or entrepreneurs. men are prone to walk or jog or join fitness centers whereas women finds it difficult to take care of their fitness just because they are too much busy in their household activities or they might don’t take it serious.

Trx fitness is beneficial for both genders specifically for women who cannot manage to go out for fitness and has a fear from lifting the bulky weights in gyms. They often day dream of having a smart body shape but can’t find the solution and they result they put on more and more weight. To carry out their tasks either domestic or official they have to maintain a proper physique to become active and good looking. Trx force Kit comes is a very state of the art design that enhances the various aspects of women personality. It focuses on their body-shape by burning the extra fats, improves metabolism and increases immunity against diseases. The benefits are elaborated as under,

Trx Suspension Training shapes your body:

The body shape really matters when women have to attend a party or a business meeting and wish to wear the desired dress that may not fit well with their body. The unshaped body throws a non-professional impression over the audiences. Trx fitness proves a good companion of women in burning their extra calories, losing weight and shaping their body shape. It provides easy exercises through which women can reduce their weight without taking pain of handling heavy machinery or dumbbells. Women who spent most of their time in kitchen find little time to do fitness exercises which cannot be utilized in the absence of Trx force Kit. It’s a kind of training center that can be used in your free and leisure time. The training session of women cannot be disturbed in any case as if they are unable to exercise in the morning they can do exercise in any spare time. Unlike the gymnasiums where you buy a time-slot for exercise and if you miss that slot you will not be able to perform the exercise that day.

Trx fitness enhances your metabolism:

Working out on muscles and general exercises increases the ability of a body to handle the blood sugar level and manage insulin. Women can tone-up their muscles with Trx fitness to allow organism to grow and reproduce. The efficient metabolism ensures the supply of blood and food to different cells for their growth and keeps you alive. The growth of different muscles is dependent on the fitness exercises and proper diet intake. The diet intake will be of no use if proper workout is not done to strengthen the muscles. Trx force Kit also strengthens the sensitive bones of women. They can work out at hard level in the machine which will build the density of their weak bones which are more likely to fracture for example hips, the spine, arms and wrists-areas.

Trx Suspension Training improves your immunity:

Women are prone to diseases as they are less cautious about their health soon after their marriage and lose self-esteem soon after a child birth. Trx Suspension Training increases immunity by raising the self esteem of women. The light exercises release their stress whereas the hard exercises make them strong enough to fight against the diseases. They became strong enough to combat the viral infection that causes illness. The women become confident on their strength to bear the stress either physical or mental.